Every May Lost Cabin hosts a homebrew competition to see what’s brewing in our local community and pay homage to our roots. We are proud to be a part of such an active and excellent homebrew community and the comp is the perfect time to bring all of the local brewers together to talk shop, give high fives, and drink beer. This year was no exception. The fives were high, the brew stories compelling, and the beer was cold (and damn tasty).
20 volunteer judges came together to sacrifice their time, taste buds, and sobriety to decide the best out of 70(ish) different beers. Their work was cut out for them as they started sampling at 8am; all of the beers were wonderful, but only a select few made it to the final table to be judged by the three BJCP certified judges attending. A lot was on the line, the overall winner of the comp gets to brew their recipe with us on our brew system (so keep your eyes peeled for that release), runner ups also got to take home some brand new homebrew goodies. The best of show winners are listed below:
Best of Show: Gary Black – Monk’s Vespers Trappist Single
2nd: Samuel Miller & Ryan Messer – Mosaisick Double IPA
3rd: Joe Monks – Quaich Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
Best IPA: Dana Dusek – Ol’ Dirty Black IPA
Best Name: Grant Krause & Seth Norman – Half Wit Witbier
Most Unique Beer: Ty Orr – Pickle Pilsner
Honorable Mentions: Logan Steffens – Oxymoron Dunkels Weissbier, Jim & Joyce Leonard – Heisenberg Velocity Double IPA, Jim & Joyce Leonard – Heisenberg Tunnel Imperial Stout, Steve Ristau – PBR (Port Barrel Rustic) Old Ale
Didn’t win this year? No worries, we will be doing it all over again next May. Keep your kettles hot, your malt wet, and your yeast happy. We look forward to seeing what you have for us next year!